Author name: Eve Rodriguez

From a young age, Eve felt there was no greater adventure than helping people and once she got started, she was hooked. Spending 18 years as a volunteer, Eve had the opportunity to work with people on all the variety of problems and situations that life can present. From the darkest places and deepest confusions to the simple mix-ups, Eve has heard it all. Having then moved on in search of more lucrative careers, Eve just never found anything that made her as happy as being the person to initiate change for the better in someone else’s life. And so she came back to her passion for helping others on a personal level. Talking to Eve is like talking to your BFF – if you were lucky enough to have a BFF who really gets you, has enthusiasm for helping you with your goals, and who also has real tools to make life better. How many of us are ever that lucky?! Easy to talk to, gorgeous inside and out, and one of the world’s truly genuine people, Eve is a mom (soon to be a mom of two!), a wife, and is both a butt-kicking and hand-holding friend.

Business lady cheerful smile teacher or mentor, coach speaking in front of group

Tools to achieve greater self-confidence.

Want some key tips on how to achieve greater self-confidence? Check out this video and do the course. I highly recommend it! You’re bound to learn something new that you can apply right away to increase your self-confidence! 💪🏽👏🏽

Tools to achieve greater self-confidence. Read More »

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